Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hannah's "pooped"!

Nathan and I decided to take a quick trip to the mall last night. Simple, because we only had one thing to buy and then we were going to walk around with Hannah in the stroller and get some exercise. On the way there, Hannah was a bit fussy. But since she is still rear-facing in her car seat, we weren't able to know if there was truly something wrong or if it was just that time of the evening for fussiness. When we arrived at the mall and took her out of the car seat, we realized, we had a slight problem. The back of her pants were soaked with a brownish stain. She was of course quite distraught. So were we.

Although, I had brought a diaper, I had not brought a change of clothes (unwisely thinking that now that she's 9 months old, I didn't need to carry all that stuff--everything possible, that I used tote everywhere with me). So I lay Hannah down to change her in the back seat of the car and realize that every piece of clothing she is wearing has poop on it, except her jean jacket. AND when I open the travel box of baby wipes, I pull out the very last one. Fortunately, we had paper towels in trunk and made do with that. As soon as I got her cleaned up, I practically threw the clean diaper at Nathan to put on her and ran to Old Navy to buy our daughter something clean to wear.

No one in Old Navy seemed to be in a hurry except me. I mean, who possibly has anywhere they're rushing to on a Tuesday evening at 7:30pm? I finally bought Hannah a little outfit and ran back out to the car to rescue my husband from the baby I left screaming in the car. But we're not done!

I get out to the car and Nathan has Hannah sitting on his lap, wearing only her diaper of course. She is calm but he is not. And it wasn't until he asks, "Do you have a safety pin?" that I notice what it wrong. In Nathan's hurry to get the diaper on our screaming daughter, he had accidentally ripped the tab off one side of the diaper. So he is sitting there holding it closed, less than amused that I think it's hysterical.

The only thing we had to "close" the diaper was the hair tie in my hair. So using that, we put Hannah's new outfit on her. No one feels like walking leisurely around the mall anymore, so we go in and buy our one item and leave. Upon arriving home, Nathan gives Hannah a bath while I clean up the poopy clothes and make her a bedtime bottle. As Nathan feeds Hannah, she finishes up her bottle and drifts off to a peaceful sleep in his arms. I was sitting next to him and without thinking, I smiled and said, "Poor thing. She looks pooped." That made us both burst into hysterical laughter. When I got myself together I added, "No pun intended."

Thus ends the story of our simple trip to the mall.