Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy 1000th Day!

So as many of you already know, my husband is a numbers guy. He can do math figures in his head when I have already shrugged and grabbed paper and pencil. Our website features a countdown that has been counting down the days we've been married. Well, last weekend, we hit 1000 days! And of course, Nathan didn't miss celebrating that special number. First, he picked me up a pot of my favorite flowers:

Gerber daisies always take me back to our wedding
day and the beautiful Fall flowers we had.

Nate had me put Hannah down early while he made us one his specialty
dinners--Chicken Faijitas. He added steak this time and it was delicious.

Topping it off with a non-alcoholic margarita. Yummy!

Happy 1000 days of marriage Nate. You're the best. And thanks for
proving once again that computer guys can be romantic!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My friend Dawn tagged me. It looks like fun. Here goes:

Rules: You must answer the questions using only one word. Then tag four others.

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your significant other? Nathan
3. Your hair? ponytail
4. Your mother? wonderful
5. Your father? godly
6. Your favorite thing? books
7. Your dream last night? bizarre
8 Your favorite drink? latte
9. Your dream/goal? contentment
10. The room you’re in? den
11. Your hobby? piano
12. Your fear? heights
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home
14. What you’re not? brave
15. Muffins? blueberry
16. One of your wish list items? car
17. Where you grew up? West Virginia (a state counts as one word, right?)
18. The last thing you did? email
19. What are you wearing? capris
20. Favorite gadget? straightener
21. Your pets? No
22. Your computer? Laptop
23. Your mood? calm
24. Missing someone? sister
25. Your car? Sentra
26. Something you’re not wearing? make-up
27. Favorite store? IKEA
28. Like someone? Hannah
29. Your favorite color? Navy
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Wednesday

Okay, so I tag Christina, Kari, Stephanie, and Nathan

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...

Here are a few things Hannah loves...

Her Daddy!

For Father's Day, my friend Heather took some
marvelous pictures of Hannah and we gave this
collage to Nathan for his desk at work.


This is Grandma Johnson,
letting Hannah help water her flowers

(This is her reading with Grandpa Johnson)

Hats! Balls!
(If you notice, she has a ball in each
hand; any size or color will do.)

Great Grandparents!

(Great Grandma Evelyn)


(Two weekends ago at my parents' house)