Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Big Girl Bed

Last week Hannah was given a toddler bed. She was very excited about it, and kept crawling in and out of it. Putting her dolls, bears, and blankets on and off of it. Yesterday she took her first nap in the "big girl bed" and did great! And she is doing so again today. I was a little nervous about it, but she's loving it. Here are a few pics of her trying to convince Mommy that she was ready to sleep in her bed.

So eventually Hannah will sleeping in her toddler bed at night too. In fact, it works out to be perfect timing, since there will be someone new needing her crib. Yes, this is an announcement for those of you who haven't heard. I am pregnant with our second child, due in March. Needless to say, we're very excited. Hannah doesn't yet understand what's happening yet, but the 'big girl bed' is just one of many changes coming soon in her little life.