Monday, January 28, 2008

A Mini Sermon...

I read this morning about the disciple John while on Patmos, and his vision of the risen Lord. (Revelation 1) The power and majesty of Jesus caused John to fall like a dead man to the ground! I wondered if there were any traces of the Jesus, God/Man who had walked on earth with him years earlier. Did John recognize in this Deity's face the same friend and Rabbi he had loved and served on earth for so long? John was the "disciple whom Jesus loved" and yet this time, Jesus came to John looking completely different from the first time. Powerful, radiant, breath-taking.

Unlike John, I have never seen Jesus face-to-face--as the Rabbi or the Judge. Yet, God forbid that I would picture Him only as the peaceful, humble carpenter's son who taught and healed people. I must see his other side as well--the Judge I will one day stand before and give an account for everything good and bad I did and did not do (II Corinthians 5:10). I must see ALL of Jesus, not just the parts I like to remember. And like John, I must fall to the ground in awe and fear of the God who is my Creator, and therefore has the right to be my Judge. Oh what a wonder that though He is my Judge, he also chooses to be my friend!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

To sum up December & January...

I have learned a few things in the past two months. I thought I'd share them with you, so that you can either agree with me, laugh at me or take these to heart for future reference.

1. Decorating a Christmas tree with family is a wonderful tradition, however, it is not good for a perfectionist to try to decorate for the perfect Christmas and take care an 11-month-old. (Thanks goodness I had the help of my husband and parents.)

2. When I go to an Open House, I will always take Hannah with me. It opens up many conversations and really they all just want to see her anyway.

3. Taking your child to a church's Christmas Candlelight service that doesn't provide childcare is probably not going to be a worshipful experience.

4. Driving to be with family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is totally worth it.

5. Shopping the day after Christmas is a great way to find good deals for next Christmas. But don't try to return something that day!

6. When flying to Wisconsin in the winter, try to avoid a lay-over in Chicago. If you get stuck there for seven hours, DO cough up the money for one nice meal; it will make the time go quicker and make the situation not look so bleak.

7. If you travel by plane with baby food, make sure to duct tape the can of formula shut. If you want white powder all over the baby clothes, diapers, etc., disregard the advice above.

8. You should always stay up until midnight on New Years Eve. (Unless of course, you live in the Midwest; then you can celebrate the ball drop in Times Square at 11pm and go to bed.)

9. Continuing to drive a car that's tire looses air every week or so would probably indicate that you have run over a nail or something else in the road. This should be dealt with before you walk outside and find your tire is completely flat.

10. Waiting with a one-year-old at a car mechanics' shop to have the tire repaired will last about 30 minutes before you and everyone else is ready for you to walk home and come back later.

11. Expect tears and frustration when your only child comes home to discover she no longer gets tons of attention or has a cousin to play with. Play with them a little more than usual, but gradually show them that you have a life outside of them.

12. Definitely limit a birthday party to the number of years your child is old. It simplifies life and your baby doesn't care anyway. (Close family and parents don't count when inviting guests.)

13. Have your husband blow up the balloons.

13. Put some of the Christmas toys away for a few months until the old toys get boring.

14. Don't super glue a mug's handle back on and expect that even though it works for a few months that the handle won't eventually fall off, spilling a hot latte all over the carpet.

15. Learn to enjoy messes. The fun of seeing your child sitting on newspaper, covered in paint, with an over-sized T-shirt on is well worth the clean-up afterwards. (We hope Grandma and Grandpa realize that when they see the art project made just for them!)


16. Save precious time by not putting pictures up on your blog when your husband posts millions of them on the family website. Just go to (These pics--found under the album "Hannah Heijermans"--include pictures of our Christmas, New Years, and Hannah's first birthday.)