Saturday, October 16, 2010

The story of Leah's birth

For those of you who may be curious about Leah's labor and delivery, I thought I'd share the story.

On Monday and Tuesday, Nathan's parents were visiting with us. I think it was in the back of all of our minds that if she came early enough to see them, it would be really fun. But she was very content and showed no signs of being ready for that. After a nice visit with the in-laws, they left Tuesday afternoon.

About 5:30 that same day, we got an email from our real estate agent that really stressed me out. Closing (schedule for the next day) was being changed yet again; the bank selling "our" house to us was being ridiculous, etc. And after a pretty hard cry about the situation, I started having contractions. They say stress can bring on labor. Well, it definitely sped up the process in my case. Nathan wanted to send the real estate agent 'thank you' note. ;)

All evening Tuesday evening, I had contractions, but nothing very strong. I finally called the mid-wife and she suggested drinking extra liquids and taking a warm bath. I took her advice and went to bed. Sadly, the contractions stopped during the night. On Wednesday morning, I started having mild contractions again. They continued throughout the course of day, but got neither closer together or stronger. It was frustrating to say the least and I couldn't decide whether they were just Braxton Hicks or real contractions. Mom had come to spend the day with the kids and I and this helped keep my mind off the frustration. At dinner time, we didn't have peace about her leaving, so she stayed for dinner and watched a movie with us after the kids went down. Throughout the movie, I had contractions that seemed slightly stronger, but still not very consistent.

At 10pm, we decided to try to sleep. Mom was going to sleep on the couch bed. As soon as I laid down, I started having very strong contractions, about 10 minutes apart. I called the midwife and asked if I could come in and be checked. She said 10 minutes apart still sounded far apart, given that we lived 3 minutes from the hospital, but I could come in if I wanted to. I told Nathan I wasn't going to be able to sleep and might as well go. So we left around 11pm for the hospital. I was shaking all over.

Once we arrived at the maternity ward, the nurses took their time getting me in a room and getting prepared for a labor check. I was trying to remain calm, but was having pushing pains already and they hadn't even checked me. Finally the mid-wife arrived. I was 9cm and the baby was at minus 1 station. Things went pretty nuts in the room as she announced that. All of a sudden, there were five nurses in the room instead of one. I was getting an IV port, and the midwife was putting on her gloves. And I...was screaming!

Needless to say, Leah came pretty fast. By 12:02a.m. she had arrived. She was 7 pounds and 10.5 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long. What a relief to hold her in my arms. Another precious gift from God to our family.

So far, she has been an excellent sleeper and nurser. I'm praising the Lord for that. He knows how much we can handle. We are home and beginning to adjust to life with three. Your prayers are coveted as we continue to seek to raise our children for the Lord.