Thursday, July 16, 2009

Little bits & pieces

Well, Micah is growing fast! I don't remember Hannah growing quite this fast. But maybe it's just the time that's going faster. His Baby dedication was last month. Coincidentally (or Providentially) it fell on the Sunday that Nathan's Mom was here visiting with us. The great-grandparents on the Heijermans side were also able to attend. It was a day to remember.

Grandpa, Grandson, and Great-Grandson

Grandma Heijermans

These days, we have two finger-sucking children in our home. Hannah is actually an adamant thumb-sucker. And Micah is only 4 months and he already prefers his fingers to a pacifier. I included this shot for some of you who may know Nathan. He sucked these two fingers when he was little and Micah reminded me so much of Nate's baby pics when I saw this pose. I just had to snap a picture.

And here he is, sucking the fingers that I chose as a kid.
It's Summer time in MD. Which means hot. We like to stay cool as much as possible. (Not that the heat seems to bother the kids. They don't seem to notice at all.) We've had a few fun family outings lately. We've gone mini golfing, to the beach, and done lots of bike-riding.

Hannah playing mini-golf

Micah playing mini-golf.
(This is what he rides in for bike rides too.)

A Hole in the Sand

Digging Daddy into the Hole