Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My latest jobs

So of course, a woman has many jobs--clean the house, wash the dishes, do the laundry. My husband needs dinner; he deserves my time, attention, and a listening ear. And then there is always the many responsibilities that come with a little one at home. Hannah needs fed, changed, comforted (she has been trying to stand and then falls down, bumping her head), taught, and disciplined. (A side note is that lately I have been teaching Hannah how to brush her teeth, how to paint, and how to feed herself with a spoon. See below for pictures.) I believe that these tasks are my main responsibility right now. As Titus 2 tells us, younger women are to be "workers at home." But of course, there comes a time that we all need a break from the sheer monotony of it all. (Not that I don't love Nathan and Hannah.) Spending time with friends and being involved in ministry helps a lot. But I have also found a fulfilling part-time job at Curves for women. Three mornings a week, I am working while Nate stays home with Hannah. When I get home, he goes to work. Working at Curves has been a great way to meet ladies in the community. The same women usually come in at the same time every day. And since I get to work out while I'm there, I've also had more energy for my work at home. I hear many people complain about having to work (I do my fair share of that at times). And yet, even in the perfectness of the Garden of Eden, God assigned them work to do. There is a great sense of accomplishment and joy when work gets done. And I pray that as I seek to do each task with excellence (even if it is changing diapers or cleaning the bathroom) that it will be an act of worship to the Lord. After all, whether the task is big or small, He alone is worthy of our highest conduct.